Therapeutic Use Exemptions
Athletes, like all others, may have illnesses or conditions that require them to take particular medications.
Occasionally, athletes may need to take a medication that is on the List in order to treat an illness or condition. Before doing so they must apply for, and have granted by an Anti-Doping Organisation, a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE), which may grant them authorisation to take the required medicine.
Athletes competing in IBSA - approved Competitions (for example: Regional or Global Games) who require a TUE should apply to IBSA in good time at least 30 days before the next competition.
Please refer to the section “How to apply to IBSA for a TUE?”
If you already have a TUE granted by your National Anti-Doping Organization (NADO):
- Your NADO’s TUE is only valid at the National-Level, and you must submit a request for recognition to IBSA. Please refer to the section “How to submit a request for recognition of your NADO’s TUE to IBSA?” below.
- If you are NOT an International-Level Athlete and you have been tested by IBSA, IBSA recognizes a valid TUE granted by your NADO, unless you are required to apply for recognition of the TUE because you are competing in an international event.
- If you are NOT a National-Level Athlete as defined by your NADO and you have been tested by IBSA, you must apply for a retroactive TUE to IBSA.
Failure to do so will result in a declaration of non-compliance, in accordance with the WADA certified process for non-compliance.
All the information contained in a TUE application, including the supporting medical information and any other information related to the evaluation of your TUE request is kept strictly confidential and treated in accordance with the Athlete’s Declaration contained in the ADAMS TUE process and in the IBSA TUE Application Form.
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