Testing Procedures

Testing, or doping control, remains one of the primary tools for deterring and detecting doping in sport, through the collection of urine or blood samples for analysis. Athletes can be tested anywhere and anytime, in or out-of-competition, without any advance notice. All athletes may be subject to testing.

Photo of a yellow and white signpost.
On this plate it is possible to read “Control Dopaje 3” below “Doping Cotrol 3” and in
the footer of the plate “Guadalajara 2011” and the logo of the event.

Testing Authority

Athletes may be subject to testing under the authority or jurisdiction of different anti-doping organisations including:

  • National Anti-Doping Organisations (NADOs)
  • IBSA (International Federations)
  • Major Event Organisations (MEOs)

IBSA has testing authority as both an International Federation and a Major Event Organisation (e.g. IBSA World Games)

The Doping Control (testing) Process

The following outlines the basic steps in the doping control process.

Notification & Chaperoning

A Doping Control Officer (DCO) or chaperone will notify you that you are selected for testing and explain your rights and responsibilities. Once notified, you must stay within sight of the DCO/Chaperone until the testing process is complete. You can ask for a representative such as a coach or interpreter to support and assist you.

Reporting to the Doping Control Station

You must report to the Doping Control Station (DCS) as soon as practical after notification – unless you have a valid reason for delay. Reasons to delay reporting include for example, attending a medal ceremony, performing a warm down or collecting identification.

You can relax and rehydrate in the DCS, until you’re ready to provide a sample. Take care not to drink too much – if your sample is too diluted, you will need to provide another sample.

Sample Collection

When you are ready to provide a sample, you will be asked to choose a collection beaker. Check that there is no damage to the beaker you select. A DCO or chaperone, the same gender as you, will accompany you to bathroom or toilet. You may be asked to adjust your clothing or posture so that he/she can witness the urine leaving your body.

Photo of a Test Kit. Photo taken with a white background showing a white styrofoam
box with a purple ribbon that is the box's seal, and a white label with numbers and a
bar code. The front of the box on the left side has a 180ml clear plastic cup and a lime
green lid with a small opening.
Also in front of the styrofoam box are two clear glass bottles with large lids and a
plastic seal over them. These bottles are taller than the plastic cup but thinner.
On each of these bottles it is possible to see a bar code and an ink marking written
“TEST A, 1234567” in orange, and “TEST B, 1234567” in blue.

Blood Test

The blood testing process is similar to urine. A qualified professional (phlebotomist) will collect your blood sample. You will be required to sit quietly for a minimum of 10 minutes before the sample is collected. Depending on the type of blood test, you may be required to rest for two hours after competing or training.

If you are afraid of needles, tell the blood collection officer so he/she can help you through the process.

Photo of two glass test tubes with purple caps and filled with blood on white paper
that contain various medical information such as test types and quantities.

Sealing the Sample

The DCO will instruct you to choose a kit and check that it is sealed, intact and the numbers match. You will divide your sample between the A and B bottles and seal them. Only you can touch your samples until they are securely sealed in the bottles – unless you require assistance to do this.

The minimum volume of urine required is 90mls. If you can’t provide 90mls on your first attempt, this is a partial sample. Your sample will be sealed temporarily until you provide further samples to meet the required volume.

The DCO will also check the dilution of your final sample. If your sample is too dilute, you will be asked to provide another sample.

Completing the Documentation

The DCO will complete the Doping Control Form (DCF) with you. If a paperless system is used your DCF will be completed electronically. It is important to check that all the details on the form are correct before you sign it to confirm the testing process was appropriate.

You will be asked to declare any medication or supplements you have taken within the last 7 days and if you consent to your sample being used (anonymously) for research purposes.

If you have any concerns about the process, you can write a comment directly on the Doping Control Form. If you are not comfortable doing this at the time, you should contact your NPC without delay to raise your concerns.

Sample Analysis & Results

Your samples will be shipped to a WADA-accredited laboratory for analysis. The results of the analysis will be sent to IBSA (or the responsible anti-doping organization) and to WADA.

If your sample tests negative no further action is required.

If your sample tests positive, this is called an adverse analytical finding (AAF). It means a prohibited substance has been detected in your sample. In this case, IBSA will contact you through your NPC with more information.

Your sample can be stored for up to 10 years during which time it may be reanalyzed.

Doping Control Process Modifications

Minor athletes (under-18) can request that their representative observe the DCO/Chaperone while he/she is witnessing the sample provision.

Athletes with a disability may require assistance from a representative during the process. The athlete must first authorize any representative to assist him or her – and the type of assistance provided must also be approved in consultation with the DCO.

Any modifications to the sample collection process will be recorded on the Doping Control Form.

For more information: Video Wada and IPC Guide for Testing Para Sport