Registered Testing Pool and Whereabouts

Registered Testing Pool (RTP)

In the Fight Against doping, the Anti-Doping Control System has a critically important role to play. The controls not only occur during competition but, in order to combat doping effectively and preventatively, also take place out-of-competition.

In accordance with WADA, IBSA maintains lists of such athletes, which are referred to as the IBSA Registered Testing Pool and defined as the pool of highest-priority athletes established separately at the international level by IBSA. They are subject to focused in-competition and out-of-competition testing as part of IBSA’s Test Distribution Plan - TDP and therefore are required to provide Whereabouts information as provided in the World Anti-Doping Code.

Photo of a Goalball competition in a Gym with white walls, green floor and orange
competition floor. In the photo in the background near the ceiling, several flags in the
following order: Algeria, Argentina, one that is covered by the athlete, Belgium, Brazil,
Canada, China and one more that it is not possible to distinguish due to changes in the
color of the photo.
In front of the goal, which has a blue foam protection, you can see 3 athletes. One in
the background leaning on the beam, another in the center kneeling (shirt 4) and the
last one throwing the blue Goalball ball with one hand (shirt 2).
All are properly uniformed with a black protective mask, a black long-sleeved shirt
under the white game shirt, where the numbers and team information are written in
black letters; black pants and sneakers.


Some athletes, usually those who are part of a Registered Testing Pool (RTP), are required to provide whereabouts information. This information is used by Anti-Doping Organizations (ADOs) to locate athletes for effective out of competition doping control.

RTP athletes are required to provide the following whereabouts information on a quarterly basis:

  • Home address, email address and phone number
  • An address for overnight accommodations
  • Regular activities, such as training, work, and school, the locations and the times of these activities
  • Competition schedules and locations
  • A 60-minute time slot for each day where they’ll be available and accessible for testing and liable for a potential ‘missed test’

RTP athletes may submit their whereabouts information via WADA’s Anti-Doping Management System (ADAMS). The mobile app Athlete Central is available for athletes to submit and update their whereabouts information in a simple, smart and fast manner. You can download it on the Google App Store and the Apple app store.

RTP athletes must submit their whereabouts information by a specific data and time for the following quarter. RTP athletes can make changes to their whereabouts via Athlete Central, ADAMS or by SMS.

For more information please access:

To find out if you are an athlete that is part of the RTP: IPC and IBSA.