
"An athlete's first experience with anti-doping should be through education and not doping control.”

Education, as a prevention strategy highlighted in the code, seeks to promote behavior in line with clean sport values and help prevent doping by athletes and others. A fundamental principle underlying the International Standard on Education is that an athlete's first experience with anti-doping should be through education rather than doping control.

Photo taken in a white room with a blue mat. On the wall a projection with writing in
black with drawings in blue and green. In this projection, it is possible to read the
information about the sports entities related to anti-doping, the highest being WADA
and below the IPC, IBSA and others that are not legible.
There are more than 12 people sitting on the mat in this photo, all but the teacher
being judokas (male and female) in blue and white kimonos. Ahead, the teacher with
brown hair tied back, wearing a gray blouse and glasses talking to the athletes.

Fundamental principles

  • An athlete's first experience with anti-doping should be through education and not testing.
  • All athletes start out competing clean and should want to stay clean throughout their careers, so programs should support this goal.
  • All world-class athletes must receive education before leaving their country.
  • Educational programs must be adapted to the cultural and sporting contexts in which they are located.
  • Education is everyone's responsibility, and cooperation between signatories is encouraged to ensure the most effective use of resources, including avoiding duplication whenever possible.
  • Meeting ISE requirements is possible for all signatories, regardless of resources and capacity.

Awareness and Education is important in the Fight Against Doping, Match Fixing, Illegal Betting and Corruption in sport. You can access anti-doping education and awareness programme and access information formation from these organizations:

Each Association is responsible for implementing their own education programme.

This should be supported by their National Anti-doping Organization (NADO).

Below we provide some ready-to-use resources from various sources.

WADA Resources

The World Anti-Doping Agency has a wide range of resources for athletes, coaches, trainers and administrators including:

If you want us IBSA Team to help you, or your Sport Organization, to carry out an Anti-Doping Education Activities, contact us, we can offer in-person and online seminars, as well as interactive activities at events.

To find out how to perform this action and the compensation, send an email to: antidopingeducation@ibsasport.org